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Access Control

level 1

In this challenge you will work with different UNIX permissions on the flag.
The flag file will be owned by you and have 400 permissions.

-r-------- 1 root root 58 Jul 2 08:50 /flag
-r-------- 1 hacker root 58 Jul 2 08:50 /flag

Let's verify the fact.

hacker@access-control~level1:/$ ls -la /flag 
-r-------- 1 hacker root 58 Jul 2 04:37 /flag

We can cat the flag.

hacker@access-control~level1:/$ cat /flag 


level 2

In this challenge you will work with different UNIX permissions on the flag.
The flag file will be owned by root, group as you, and have 040 permissions.

-r-------- 1 root root 58 Jul 2 08:51 /flag
----r----- 1 root hacker 58 Jul 2 08:51 /flag

We can check the file permissions.

hacker@access-control~level2:/$ ls -la /flag 
----r----- 1 root hacker 58 Jul 2 04:50 /flag

Let's check if our user is part of the hacker group. We can do this using the groups command.

hacker@access-control~level2:/$ groups

We are. This means we should be able to cat the flag.

hacker@access-control~level2:/$ cat /flag 


level 3

In this challenge you will work with different UNIX permissions on the flag.
The flag file will be owned by you and have 000 permissions.

-r-------- 1 root root 58 Jul 2 05:17 /flag
---------- 1 hacker root 58 Jul 2 05:17 /flag

If we check the file permissions, we can see that we do not have any way to interact with the /flag.

hacker@access-control~level3:/$ ls -la /flag 
-r-------- 1 root root 58 Jul 2 05:17 /flag

We can use chmod to change the file permissions.

hacker@access-control~level3:/$ chmod 400 flag 
hacker@access-control~level3:/$ ls -la /flag 
-r-------- 1 hacker root 58 Jul 2 05:17 /flag

Now we can cat the flag.

hacker@access-control~level3:/$ cat /flag 


level 4

In this challenge you will work understand how the SETUID bit for UNIX permissions works.
What if /bin/cat had the SETUID bit set?

-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 43416 Sep 5 2019 /bin/cat
-rwsr-xr-x 1 root root 43416 Sep 5 2019 /bin/cat

Let's check the permissions of the /flag file.

hacker@access-control~level4:/$ ls -la /flag 
-r-------- 1 root root 58 Jul 2 08:55 /flag

Since the /bin/cat file has the SETUID bit enabled, it will be executed with the permission of the file owner.

hacker@access-control~level4:/$ ls -la /bin/cat
-rwsr-xr-x 1 root root 43416 Sep 5 2019 /bin/cat

Since the /bin/cat file is owned by root, the process created will have root privileges (rws). We can simple cat the flag.

hacker@access-control~level4:/$ cat /flag 


level 5

In this challenge you will work understand how the SETUID bit for UNIX permissions works.
What if /bin/cp had the SETUID bit set?
Hint: Look into how cp will deal with different permissions.
Another Hint: check the man page for cp, any options in there that might help?

-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 153976 Sep 5 2019 /bin/cp
-rwsr-xr-x 1 root root 153976 Sep 5 2019 /bin/cp

While using cp to copy files, if we specify the --no-preserve option, it doesn't preserve the specified attributes.

don't preserve the specified attributes

These attributes could be:

  • mode
  • timestamps
  • ownership
  • links
  • context
  • xattr
  • all

Let's use the following command:

hacker@access-control~level5:/$ cp --no-preserve=all /flag /home/hacker/flag.backup

This will create a flag.backup file in our home directory without any of the original /flag file's attributes including permissions.

We can now check the permissions of the /home/hacker/flag.backup file.

hacker@access-control~level5:/$ ls -la /home/hacker/flag.backup 
-rw-r--r-- 1 root hacker 58 Jul 2 09:47 /home/hacker/flag.backup

As we can see, we can now read the file using cat.

hacker@access-control~level5:/$ cat /home/hacker/flag.backup 


level 6

In this challenge you will work with different UNIX permissions on the flag.
The flag file is owned by root and a new group.
Hint: Search for how to join a group with a password.

-r-------- 1 root root 58 Jul 2 09:54 /flag
----r----- 1 root group_nsgdhwri 58 Jul 2 09:54 /flag
The password for group_nsgdhwri is: toqhnmmv

Let's check the file permissions for /flag.

hacker@access-control~level6:/$ ls -la /flag 
----r----- 1 root group_nsgdhwri 58 Jul 2 09:54 /flag

We can see that the group_nsgdhwri group own the file and can read it. We also know the password for group_nsgdhwri is toqhnmmv.

In order to change add our current user to the group_nsgdhwri group, we can use the newgrp utility.

hacker@access-control~level6:/$ newgrp group_akgvhbnl

Let's check the groups that the hacker user is part of using the groups utility.

hacker@access-control~level6:/$ groups
group_akgvhbnl hacker

We can now cat the flag.

hacker@access-control~level6:/$ cat /flag


level 7

In this challenge you will work understand how UNIX permissions works with multiple users.
You'll also be given access to various user accounts, use su to switch between them.

-------r-- 1 hacker root 58 Jul 2 10:58 /flag
Created user user_iajvgicj with password ybvkgucm
-------r-- 1 hacker root 58 Jul 2 10:58 /flag

Let's check the file permissions for /flag.

hacker@access-control~level7:/$ ls -la /flag 
-------r-- 1 hacker root 58 Jul 2 10:58 /flag

We can switch to the user_iajvgicj user with the su utility.

hacker@access-control~level7:/$ su user_iajvgicj
user_iajvgicj@access-control~level7:/$ ls -la /flag 
-------r-- 1 hacker root 58 Jul 2 11:25 /flag

Now, as the user_iajvgicj user, we can simply cat the flag.

user_iajvgicj@access-control~level7:/$ cat /flag 


level 8

In this challenge you will work understand how UNIX permissions works with multiple users.
You'll also be given access to various user accounts, use su to switch between them.

-r-------- 1 root root 58 Jul 2 11:23 /flag
Created user user_culoxoyb with password kwwhmmst
-r-------- 1 user_culoxoyb root 58 Jul 2 11:23 /flag

Let's check the file permissions for /flag.

hacker@access-control~level8:/$ ls -la /flag 
-r-------- 1 user_culoxoyb root 58 Jul 2 11:23 /flag

We can switch to the user_culoxoyb user with the su utility.

hacker@access-control~level8:/$ su user_culoxoyb

Now, as the user_culoxoyb user, we can simply cat the flag.

user_culoxoyb@access-control~level8:/$ cat /flag{srqLcsfemTJ5f-fFeNdVJNRd9H0.dljM4MDL4ITM0EzW}


level 9

In this challenge you will work understand how UNIX permissions works with multiple users.
You'll also be given access to various user accounts, use su to switch between them.

-r-------- 1 root root 58 Jul 2 11:28 /flag
Created user user_mnohngfr with password vykbymwf
----r----- 1 root user_mnohngfr 58 Jul 2 11:28 /flag

Let's check the file permissions for /flag.

hacker@access-control~level9:/$ ls -la /flag 
----r----- 1 root user_mnohngfr 58 Jul 2 11:31 /flag

We can switch to the user_mnohngfr user with the su utility.

hacker@access-control~level9:/$ su user_mnohngfr

Now, as the user_culoxoyb user, we can simply cat the flag.

user_mnohngfr@access-control~level9:/$ cat /flag 


level 10

In this challenge you will work understand how UNIX permissions works with multiple users.
You'll also be given access to various user accounts, use su to switch between them.
Hint: How can you tell which user is in what group?

-r-------- 1 root root 58 Jul 2 11:37 /flag
Created user user_ggfbbiex with password odctcprl
Created user user_jwebpykm with password zsdcplow
Created user user_ykxdsqko with password lqdsivyj
Created user user_dsasvprd with password ipptudwj
Created user user_pmsujamy with password nxhanost
Created user user_hqzctllc with password ogmgthpf
Created user user_hvkmzrlv with password xthnccwu
Created user user_lkoglzrf with password ojfhpayx
Created user user_vjkvkhil with password nzjsptav
Created user user_zotbnzip with password rypahdlz
----r----- 1 root group_dbq 58 Jul 2 11:37 /flag

Let's check the file permissions for the /flag file.

hacker@access-control~level10:/$ ls -la /flag
----r----- 1 root group_dbq 58 Jul 2 11:37 /flag

As we can see, the file is owned by the group_dbq group. Out of all the users, we have to find the user that is part of this group.

We can cat the /etc/group file to obtain information about the groups and pipe it with grep to filter the output.

hacker@access-control~level10:/$ cat /etc/group | grep "group_dbq"

Now that we know the user_ggfbbiex user is part of the group_dbq group, we can switch to that user using the su utility.

hacker@access-control~level10:/$ su user_ggfbbiex

Now, we can cat the flag.

user_ggfbbiex@access-control~level10:/$ cat /flag 


level 11

In this challenge you will work understand how UNIX permissions for directories work with multiple users.
You'll be given access to various user accounts, use su to switch between them.

Created user user_nuwudvxt with password cbxpdvig
Created user user_iwbtimvf with password khxccqvf
A copy of the flag has been placed somewhere in /tmp:
total 40
drwxrwxrwt 1 root root 4096 Jul 2 12:03 .
drwxr-xr-x 1 root root 4096 Jul 2 12:00 ..
-rw-rw-r-- 1 root root 4 Jun 22 07:00 .cc.txt
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 55 Jun 22 07:13 .crates.toml
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 453 Jun 22 07:13 .crates2.json
drwxr-xr-x 3 hacker hacker 4096 Jul 2 12:00 .dojo
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 Jun 22 07:13 bin
drwxr-xr-x 1 root root 4096 Jun 22 07:23 hsperfdata_root
drwx------ 1 mysql mysql 4096 Jun 22 07:22 tmp.03myKcqN5v
dr-xr-x--x 2 root user_nuwudvxt 4096 Jul 2 12:03 tmpsvtlxi6x
srwxr-xr-x 1 hacker hacker 0 Jul 2 12:03 vscode-git-c804107ea9.sock
srwxr-xr-x 1 hacker hacker 0 Jul 2 12:02 vscode-ipc-1753ea1a-1e62-4fc6-9282-01722892fe34.sock
srwxr-xr-x 1 hacker hacker 0 Jul 2 12:03 vscode-ipc-cb9cf3d0-b686-458f-b106-6283f8699456.sock

hacker@access-control~level11:/$ ls -la /flag 
-r-------- 1 root root 58 Jul 2 12:00 /flag

If we look closely at the /tmp directory listing, we can see that the tmpsvtlxi6x directory is owned by the user_nuwudvxt group. Users that are part of this group have r-x permissions.

We have been told that the password for the user_nuwudvxt user is cbxpdvig. Let's switch to that user using the su utility.

hacker@access-control~level11:/$ su user_nuwudvxt

Let's check if the user is part of the user_nuwudvxt group.

user_nuwudvxt@access-control~level11:/$ groups

Now, we can list out the contents of the /tmp/tmpsvtlxi6x directory.

user_nuwudvxt@access-control~level11:/$ ls -la /tmp/tmpsvtlxi6x
total 12
dr-xr-x--x 2 root user_nuwudvxt 4096 Jul 2 12:03 .
drwxrwxrwt 1 root root 4096 Jul 2 12:03 ..
-r--r----- 1 root user_iwbtimvf 58 Jul 2 12:03 tmpvn3bgul4

As we can see there is a file called tmpvn3bgul4 which is owned by the user_iwbtimvf group. Users that are part of this group have r-- permissions.

We know that the password for the user_iwbtimvf user is khxccqvf. Let's switch to that user using the su utility.

user_nuwudvxt@access-control~level11:/$ su user_iwbtimvf

Let's check if the user is part of the user_iwbtimvf group.

user_iwbtimvf@access-control~level11:/$ groups

Since our current is part of the group that can read the flag, we can use the cat utility.

user_iwbtimvf@access-control~level11:/$ cat /tmp/tmpsvtlxi6x/tmpvn3bgul4


level 12

In this challenge you will work understand how UNIX permissions for directories work with multiple users.
You'll be given access to various user accounts, use su to switch between them.

Created user user_bwzcfbrm with password cqblhvpg
Created user user_henkpdbb with password ocrukeou
Created user user_uclfhuvt with password nsoernsj
A copy of the flag has been placed somewhere in /tmp:
total 40
drwxrwxrwt 1 root root 4096 Jul 2 12:54 .
drwxr-xr-x 1 root root 4096 Jul 2 12:53 ..
-rw-rw-r-- 1 root root 4 Jun 22 07:00 .cc.txt
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 55 Jun 22 07:13 .crates.toml
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 453 Jun 22 07:13 .crates2.json
drwxr-xr-x 3 hacker hacker 4096 Jul 2 12:53 .dojo
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 Jun 22 07:13 bin
drwxr-xr-x 1 root root 4096 Jun 22 07:23 hsperfdata_root
drwx------ 1 mysql mysql 4096 Jun 22 07:22 tmp.03myKcqN5v
dr-xr-x--x 3 root user_henkpdbb 4096 Jul 2 12:54 tmpls3r7t6a
srwxr-xr-x 1 hacker hacker 0 Jul 2 12:53 vscode-git-edc6e8baf6.sock
srwxr-xr-x 1 hacker hacker 0 Jul 2 12:53 vscode-ipc-5d4bf2fa-8287-4145-bb17-6c8a2f632545.sock
srwxr-xr-x 1 hacker hacker 0 Jul 2 12:53 vscode-ipc-75c4b866-4f5c-4759-b4e5-868b5e14c685.sock

If we look closely at the /tmp directory listing, we can see that the tmpls3r7t6a directory is owned by the user_henkpdbb group. Users that are part of this group have r-x permissions.

We have been told that the password for the user_henkpdbb user is ocrukeou. Let's switch to that user using the su utility.

hacker@access-control~level12:/$ su user_henkpdbb

Let's check if the user is part of the user_henkpdbb group.

user_henkpdbb@access-control~level12:/$ groups

We can now list the contents of the /tmp/tmpls3r7t6a directory.

user_henkpdbb@access-control~level12:/$ ls -la /tmp/tmpls3r7t6a
total 12
dr-xr-x--x 3 root user_henkpdbb 4096 Jul 2 12:54 .
drwxrwxrwt 1 root root 4096 Jul 2 12:54 ..
dr-xr-x--x 2 root user_bwzcfbrm 4096 Jul 2 12:54 tmpn95zewqc

As we can see there is a directory called tmpn95zewqc which is owned by the user_bwzcfbrm group. Users that are part of this group have r-x permissions.

We know that the password for the user_bwzcfbrm user is cqblhvpg. Let's switch to that user using the su utility.

user_henkpdbb@access-control~level12:/$ su user_bwzcfbrm

Let's check if the user is part of the user_bwzcfbrm group.

user_bwzcfbrm@access-control~level12:/$ groups

We can now list the contents of the /tmp/tmpls3r7t6a/tmpn95zewqc directory.

user_bwzcfbrm@access-control~level12:/$ ls -la /tmp/tmpls3r7t6a/tmpn95zewqc
total 12
dr-xr-x--x 2 root user_bwzcfbrm 4096 Jul 2 12:54 .
dr-xr-x--x 3 root user_henkpdbb 4096 Jul 2 12:54 ..
-r--r----- 1 root user_uclfhuvt 58 Jul 2 12:54 tmpra2zhmig

As we can see there is a file called tmpra2zhmig which is owned by the user_uclfhuvt group. Users that are part of this group have r-- permissions.

We know that the password for the user_uclfhuvt user is nsoernsj. Let's switch to that user using the su utility.

user_bwzcfbrm@access-control~level12:/$ su user_uclfhuvt

Let's check if the user is part of the user_bwzcfbrm group.

user_uclfhuvt@access-control~level12:/$ groups

We can now cat the flag.

user_uclfhuvt@access-control~level12:/$ cat /tmp/tmpls3r7t6a/tmpn95zewqc/tmpra2zhmig


level 13

In this challenge, your goal is to answer 1 questions correctly in 120 seconds about the following Mandatory Access Control (MAC) system:
4 Levels (first is highest aka more sensitive):

A subject with level TS should be able to write to an object with level TS. The answer is:

Q 1. Can a Subject with level TS write an Object with level TS?


level 14

In this challenge, your goal is to answer 5 questions correctly in 120 seconds about the following Mandatory Access Control (MAC) system:
4 Levels (first is highest aka more sensitive):

Q 1. Can a Subject with level S write an Object with level S?
Q 2. Can a Subject with level S read an Object with level TS?
Q 3. Can a Subject with level C write an Object with level TS?
Q 4. Can a Subject with level TS read an Object with level S?
Q 5. Can a Subject with level S write an Object with level S?


level 15

In this challenge, your goal is to answer 1 questions correctly in 120 seconds about the following Mandatory Access Control (MAC) system:
4 Levels (first is highest aka more sensitive):
4 Categories:

Q 1. Can a Subject with level S and categories {NUC, NATO} write an Object with level S and categories {NUC, ACE}?


level 16

In this challenge, your goal is to answer 5 questions correctly in 120 seconds about the following Mandatory Access Control (MAC) system:
4 Levels (first is highest aka more sensitive):
4 Categories:

Q 1. Can a Subject with level C and categories {UFO, NUC} write an Object with level C and categories {ACE, NUC}?
Q 2. Can a Subject with level C and categories {NUC} read an Object with level UC and categories {ACE, UFO, NATO}?
Q 3. Can a Subject with level UC and categories {UFO, NATO} write an Object with level C and categories {UFO, NUC}?
Q 4. Can a Subject with level S and categories {ACE, NUC, NATO} read an Object with level S and categories {ACE}?
Q 5. Can a Subject with level TS and categories {ACE, NUC} read an Object with level TS and categories {ACE}?


level 17

In this challenge you'll be answering many questions about the category-based Bell–LaPadula model of Mandatory Access Control.

Hint: Use pwntools to interact with this process and answer the questions.

In this challenge, your goal is to answer 20 questions correctly in 1 seconds about the following Mandatory Access Control (MAC) system:
4 Levels (first is highest aka more sensitive):
4 Categories:
import subprocess
import re

process = subprocess.Popen(
stderr=subprocess.PIPE, # Capture stderr for additional debugging

levels = {
"TS": 4, # Top Secret
"S": 3, # Secret
"C": 2, # Confidential
"UC": 1, # Unclassified

groups = {
"NATO": 1,
"UFO": 2,
"NUC": 3,
"ACE": 4,

flag_pattern = re.compile(r'pwn\.college\{.*?\}')

def parse_line(line):
match = re.match(r'Q (\d+). Can a Subject with level ([A-Z]+) and categories \{([A-Z, ]*)\} (read|write) an Object with level ([A-Z]+) and categories \{([A-Z, ]*)\}\?', line)
if match:
question_number, subject_level, subject_groups_str, access_type, object_level, object_groups_str = match.groups()

question_number = int(question_number)
subject_level = levels[subject_level]
subject_groups = set(groups[x] for x in subject_groups_str.split(", ") if x)
object_level = levels[object_level]
object_groups = set(groups[x] for x in object_groups_str.split(", ") if x)
except KeyError as e:
print(f"Error: Unknown level or category '{e.args[0]}'")
return None, None, None, None, None

return question_number, subject_level, subject_groups, access_type, object_level, object_groups

return None, None, None, None, None

while True:
line = process.stdout.readline()
if not line:

# Print the line for debugging purposes
# print(f"Received line: {line.strip()}")

# Check for the flag
match =
if match:

if not line.startswith("Q "):

question_number, subject_level, subject_groups, access_type, object_level, object_groups = parse_line(line)

if question_number is None:

# Determine if the subject can read or write the object
if access_type == "write":
if subject_level <= object_level and subject_groups.issubset(object_groups):
answer = "yes\n"
answer = "no\n"
elif access_type == "read":
if subject_level >= object_level and object_groups.issubset(subject_groups):
answer = "yes\n"
answer = "no\n"

# Write the answer back to the process
print(f"Sending answer: {answer.strip()}")

# Ensure to close stdin to signal the process that input is done


level 18

In this challenge you'll be answering many more questions about the category-based Bell–LaPadula model of Mandatory Access Control.

Hint: Use pwntools to interact with this process and answer the questions.

In this challenge, your goal is to answer 64 questions correctly in 1 seconds about the following Mandatory Access Control (MAC) system:
4 Levels (first is highest aka more sensitive):
4 Categories:

Same script as level 17.